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Commonwealth 'should desperately' seek to 'interfere' with Vic's Belt and Road deal
Vic 'given green light for China's Belt and Road deal by DFAT'
'Lack of transparency’ over Vic-China deal ‘shows the Premier has something to hide’
Belt and Roads has 'damaged Victoria's reputation'
Victoria's Belt and Road consultant has 'strong ties to powerful Chinese communists'
Andrews' deal with China undermines national unity: Dutton
Victoria follows in the footsteps of the 'Turnbull govt's Belt and Road betrayal'
Daniel Andrews' leadership 'under threat' following 'draconian health orders'
Andrews has given China 'a propaganda victory'
No doubt Victoria ‘did not consult DFAT’ before signing controversial China deal
Vic Govt under scrutiny for spending $3.4million on overseas jaunts
Victoria 'undermines' foreign policy but won't call out China's human rights abuses